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Architect, Designer, and Lecturer - Contemporary Painter and Illustrator

[in italian]

Alberto Liberti studied Architecture in Naples, where he graduated in 1985.

He works as a freelancer, designing and creating both interiors and exteriors. As a designer, he creates custom furniture items, both small and large.

He has long collaborated in the field of Urban Systems with national research centers.

He is involved in design, project management, workplace safety for the setup of concerts and large events, including public ones.

Since 2001, he has been teaching Technology.

Alberto has been drawing all his life.

In the poetry of drawing, he loves to narrate discomfort, loneliness, anguish, the pursuit of happiness, history, imagination, and superstitions: surreal stories in which the observer can find the most congenial images to them.

He draws by highlighting the chaotic aspects of the city, idealizing its contents according to his point of view and feelings. No one will find an accurate depiction of reality; everyone will recognize the elements that constitute it.

He visualizes his ideas using different graphics, always trying to describe imaginary places where blacks and whites clash or blend with colors, experimenting with different formats and renditions.

He uses various painting tools, from ink to watercolor and acrylic paint, sometimes mixing them. He materializes his drawings using numerous printing techniques on both traditional and alternative supports.

He is married to Carmen Cristiana and has a daughter, Laura Chiara.

You can contact him at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., on his website or on his Facebook profile.

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